Sunday, April 3, 2011

Meds and Flops

Ok...So this week we will be doing baby things first. Ian has been doing nebulizer treatments for the past three weeks and seemed to be doing really well with them.

Thursday night, before I put him in bed, I noticed he had a temp, he's teething now so I didn't think it was anything to worry about. Friday morning he woke up with a low fever.

Look at those eyes...

His temp continued to go up, even with Tylenol, so I called his pediatrician. They called me back right away and said to take him to acute care so he could be seen right away. We packed up and headed to the big city. Checked in...waiting...temp 102.8.

Poor baby!! Looked him over, took blood, did chest xray, nebulizer treatment. Turns out his white count was fine, his chest xray showed he still has fluid in his lungs and the different nebulizer meds worked better for him. They also found a double ear infection. Looks like the ear infection is what was causing the fever. They sent us home with baby Advil, an antibiotic and the new nebulizer meds.

Today my little man is feeling WAY better! Hasn't had a fever all day either!
**Sorry about the horrible quality of the pictures...used my cell phone.**

On to the "apron" part of my week. I made some Asiago Hash Browns with the leftover cheese from an earlier recipe. I made meatballs to go with it for a little protein. My "smelly brother" was over for supper on a break from loading piggies. Overall the boys (Dirk and James) liked the hash browns, I didn't. The meatballs didn't turn out AT ALL! They just weren't...right.

Asiago Hash Browns (found on

30 oz bag hash browns, thawed
1 1/2 cups grated Asiago cheese
1 medium onion, chopped
8 oz sour cream
8 oz heavy cream
1/2 cup butter, melted
paprika to taste
salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350*. In a medium casserole dish, mix the hash browns, Asiago cheese, onion, sour cream, heavy cream and butter.
Bake 1 hour or until hash browns are fully cooked and the top is lightly browned. Season with paprika, salt and pepper.

I don't even want to get into what I did to the meatballs. I'll try them some other time and make them correctly then...hopefully! The flavor of the hash browns wasn't bad it was more of a texture thing. So...

Since I'm new to this whole cooking thing, I'm wondering if anyone has tips on how to get your fresh onions in baked hash browns to get soft??


  1. That picture of Ian in that hat is SSSSOOOOOOO cute!!!!

  2. I bought it on a rummage this weekend. I wanted it just so I could take it apart and make more with the pattern. Wouldn't a little girl one with a flower above the rim be adorable??
